Safety Solutions
PJ Safety Solutions Consultancy and Training Services
At PJ Safety Solutions Ltd (PJSS) we are committed to making sense of health and safety in your workplace and we will only deliver the products you need. We want to dispel the myths about the Health and Safety at Work Act that came into force in of April 2016. We want you to understand the difference between legislation and company policy. But most of all we want help you ensure all your team go home from work tonight.
At PJSS we are committed to making sense of health & safety in your workplace. We can work with you to deliver the services you need to create a safe working environment, with the background systems and culture to support it. Services we offer include:
Development & implementation of H&S systems
H&S Coaching and guidance
On-site H&S assistance
System reviews and development
Tender assistance
Policy and procedure development
Incident and event investigation
Risk management
Site specific safety planning
Prequalification assistance
Health and safety advice
H&S site audits
Identification of training needs and training coordination
Emergency response plans
Train the trainer coaching
Writing and development of H&S training programmes to NZQA standard
Facilitation of training programmes
Gateway/STAR health and safety courses
Fire evacuation schemes

"...most of all, we want to help you ensure that all your team go home from work tonight"
Paula Jonker - Owner, PJ Safety Solutions Ltd.

Paula Jonker
Who am I
I am a health and safety consultant and trainer, with a passion for keeping people safe.
I have spent many years working in education, training and health & safety and have now set up PJ Safety Solutions Ltd to focus on helping businesses to ensure their teams go home safe after work.
My key skills and strengths are in helping people to understand what they need to do differently – making the complex easy to understand, and inspiring people to make the changes necessary to improve safety.
Passionate, motivational, inspiring and engaging are words most often used to describe me.
What I do
I offer consultancy services designed to help businesses to make sense of health and safety in their environment, including:
- health and safety assessments
-joint development of the background systems and processes needed to implement change
- training to support the culture change needed to support implementation.

"We could not recommend PJ Safety Solutions enough! PJ’s commitment to our team was to make sense of health and safety, and she has gone above and beyond to deliver her promise...
...We approached PJ Safety Solutions with an existing workplace H&S system, it was not customised to our business, it was not up to date, and it was difficult. Paula not only updated, simplified and customised our entire system, but also travelled to New Plymouth to meet our team and clarify the simple reasons why we have Health and Safety in place.
We had a profitable Q&A discussion where our staff could participate and gain a greater understanding of Health and Safety for themselves and why it’s a vital part of our everyday lives. Following this discussion, the team gave great feedback and advised how much they enjoyed meeting PJ and how much they learnt.
PJ has an incredibly powerful knowledge and understanding of the Health & Safety at Work Act and regulations and is excellent at communicating this! We have thoroughly enjoyed working with PJ so far and look forward to continuing our association with her and will continue to recommend her services."
"I knew I was behind the 8 ball with our safety requirements and didn’t know where to start and to be frank, didn’t have the time. Paula just handled everything brilliantly, professionally and her attention to detail was spot on.
Only a few days after, I had a customer walk through our shop front window and it was serious enough that we had to rush him to hospital. Thanks to Paula, the processes were in place and she talked me through notifying Work Safe NZ.
I had the peace of mind knowing that all our boxes were ticked and Work Safe NZ were very happy with the way things were handled.
I would recommend PJ Safety Solutions to any business that want “Peace of Mind” regarding their Safety policies and procedures."
- Paul Bassett, Managing Director, Hutt City Autos